Million Media

See Things Differently

About Million

We are a digital marketing agency who help companies by providing a range of services to help them generate leads, optimise websites and increase sales.

However, to assist SME’s we have developed the Virtual CMO (Chief Marketing Officer). Many SME’s can’t afford to hire a senior marketing person and yet their businesses could benefit from the knowledge and expertise of an experienced digital marketer.

Neil Cartwright, founder of Million, has been in digital marketing since 1996. You can read his LinkedIn here. His approach is to provide clients with online tools that can help them benefit from the experience of senior marketers. How?

Global companies are now run virtually by email, video conferencing and collaboration tools. Face-to-face meeting are becoming less common as people work more effectively through online tools. This means there is an opportunity to provide expert marketing services without being in the same location. An SME can employ 2-3 ‘Junior’ marketing people and hire Million to provide strategy, set objectives and campaigns, assign tasks and report results.

By keeping on top of current trends, attending marketing conferences and using social media tools we can provide SME’s with the  valuable information benefits normally the preserve of vast multinational companies.

Million also assist in the running of Burlexe – a sensational London burlesque show inspired by the women who created the genre and perform the art